Bidushy Sadika is currently a final-year Ph.D. candidate in Social Psychology, with a specialization in Migration and Ethnic Relations. Her doctoral research explores the intersections of immigration, race/ethnicity, and gender within the context of the lived experiences of immigrant women in Canada during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bidushy has contributed significantly to the academic landscape with her published peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, exploring the experiences of marginalized groups such as immigrants, 2SLGBTQ+ individuals (Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer), fat-identified women, people with disabilities, and academic women. Additionally, she has engaged in community-based projects with organizations such as the Network for Economic and Social Trends (NEST), the Mosaic Institute, the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP), and Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
With a strong commitment to both teaching and community-based research, Bidushy aspires to build a career where she can share knowledge passionately and advocate for marginalized populations within the community.
September 2021 - Present
Doctor of Philosophy
Western University
London, Ontario, Canada
Major: Social Psychology
Specialization: Migration and Ethnic Relations
Thesis: Experiences of Immigrant Women in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic
September 2019 - August 2021
Master of Arts
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Major: Psychology
Specialization: Culture, Health, and Human Development
Thesis: Lighter-Skinned and Beautiful? Investigating Shadeism Amongst South Asian Women in Canada
September 2014 - June 2018
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Major: Psychology
Thesis: Disgust and Homonegativity Toward Gay Men and Lesbian Women: A Comparative Analysis
Professional Experience
Background & Expertise
Graduate Researcher
May 2024 - Present
Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Science
Western University, London, Ontario
Leading a research project examining how intersections of race, gender, and immigration status affect experiences of hate among residents in Ontario. The project uses mixed-methods analysis of secondary data to gain insights into hate incidents in the region.
Research Associate
September 2021 - December 2023
September 2024 - Present
Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) Partnership
Western University, London, Ontario
Assisted in organizing the Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) National Conference; and collected, analyzed, and wrote reports on data related to immigration and settlement attitudes and evaluation of P2P events.
May - June 2023
January - April 2024
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science
Western University, London, Ontario
Develop engaging lecture materials, facilitate learning activities, administer assessments, provide timely feedback, offer office hours for student support, and maintain a positive and inclusive learning environment.
Research Associate
February - December 2023
Network for Economic and Social Trends
Western University, London, Ontario
Assisted in developing a survey on Qualtrics, submitting an ethics application, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data, and writing a report on the findings.
February - December 2022
London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP)
City of London
8-month contract research work that includes working on an environmental scan for London and Middlesex and assisting with a series of consultations with local organizations.
February - July 2022
Research & Evaluation Branch; Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
Government of Canada
2-month contract-based work on a research project, including tasks such as developing a workplan and outline, collecting and analyzing secondary data, and preparing a final report within the assigned timeline.
Teaching Assistant
July 2020 - April 2021
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Graded student assignments and exams in undergraduate psychology and sociology courses, and developed remote and in-class research and community engagement activities. Duties also included to address student queries and concerns via emails and one-to-one meetings, and administer and proctor online and timed exams.
Research Assistant
September 2019 - August 2021
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Assisted in two research projects: 1) content and discourse analyses on web discourses of disability and romantic relationships; and 2) evaluation of the First Year Research Experience (FYRE) program via surveying and interviewing FYRE students about their experiences.
First Year Research Experience (FYRE) Coach
September 2019 - April 2021
Undergraduate Research Initiative
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Collaborated with FYRE faculties who taught Women and Gender Studies courses. Mentored first-year students navigate the research process, developed weekly research skills webinars to help them accomplish their research, directed them to additional opportunities and research support, and communicated with them in-person or remotely via direct one-on-one or group instruction, coaching, referral, meetings or others (email or Blackboard).
Research Lab Coordinator
July 2018 - March 2020
Saskatchewan Equity, Equality, and Diversity (SEED) Lab
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Led and collaborated with multiple lab projects, published peer-reviewed articles, mentored honours students and undergraduate research assistants, as well as maintained and updated the lab website, equipment, and social media accounts.
Undergraduate Student Assistant
September 2017 - April 2018
Department of Psychology
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Proctored midterm and final exams in the first- and second-year psychology classes. Organized the Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference in April 2018, along with a faculty member and another honours student.
Let’s Connect
Department of Psychology
Social Science Centre
Located in: Western University
1151 Richmond St, London, ON N6G 2V4